Friday, January 28, 2011

Valentine Pictures....

If my memory serves me right this is our 
first open house with a 
Valentine theme! 

... a checked heart pillow with a pocket for tucking
love notes is made from an old wool blanket. 
... old cream buttons strung and shaped into a heart
... scrappy quilt stuffed hearts

Now if I could only twinkle my nose and
have these multiply! 

... these are reproduction printer blocks. 
They have been a very popular item in the
shop but, are now being discontinued. 
I wanted to use up what's left so I put some sayings 
together and added a little wire for displaying
pictures, postcards... Valentines!

 ... chalkboards!
This particular one is sold but we have others.
Leave your Valentine a sweet message!

Go to the website for more information 
on our events & Saturday hours! 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Here's the news...

... #1 we are having a 
Be Our 
 Open House!
It may not be as stocked as we like
our events to be but, considering our
weather lately it's the best we could do!
I think a little Whistle Stop fix is better 
than none... I hope you think so too!

... #2 our Shopkeeper Saturdays
are back! 
Open Saturdays
beginning in February!

... #3 we've rented a "work shop"!!!
This may not seem like huge news but,
after years of just working out of our garage
it is huge excitement for us!
It will mean less time making room to work
and more time actually getting work done!
 More space =  more product that 
will make it's way to the shop
each week! 

I am still rescuing my mailing & email list.
Postcards & emails will hopefully go out 
tomorrow or Friday at the latest.
If you follow the blog & are a customer
of the "SToP" please pass the word!

I will post some pic's of projects for 
our Valentine re-opening as soon as
I find my cord for my camera. 
Still working on that 
"get organized" 
"to do" list! 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Where has the month gone?

Wow, the month of January is almost over! 
I have to admit I'm not much of a fan of 
the month of January. I think that the fall & holiday 
season is sooooo busy for me that when I finally get a
 chance to  "stop"... I really stop... can't find motivation 
to save my life! I look forward to February as it 
usually brings a few nice days here in the Midwest, 
the days become a little longer & spring is in sight! 
My "down time", " to do" list has 
few things crossed off... but,  that's o.k. 
Things will get done eventually. 

My computer has also been doing some weird things...
 lost all my pictures :( ... and my mailing list :(
... and unfortunately to back them up was on my 
"to do" list... and was not crossed off! I do have
 my old mailing list on my old beast of a computer but,
it does not have all my updates. Again... just 
trying to breathe and take it all in stride. 

I do have some news, good news,
 that I will share tomorrow when I can get some 
pictures uploaded. For now I'm hittin' the hay" 
as my dad used to say. I have a bit of the sniffles and
Vick's rub & rest are on my "to do" list tonight.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Wishing you a new year 
full of  peace & possibilities! 

I'm having problems with this post. Although the picture
isn't looking how I wanted the sentiment is the same.
Happy New Year!