Sunday, January 15, 2012

What's in a Word?

... one little word. 
... to live by.
... to strive for.
... to make good on. 
The years resolution in a "word".

This is what I wrote last year. 

My word is “good”.  
If I would happen upon that pot at the end of a rainbow 
I would want it to be filled with “good”.  Good family, 
good friends, good business, good fun, good times, good thoughts, 
good attitude, be good, do good, feel good... what more could 
I wish for than a little good in everyday... 
which translates into a good week,
 a good month, a good year, a good life! 
Wishing you a little “good” each day!
It was a "good" year. 

Now to find my "word" for 2012. 
Maybe I'll just let it find me. 


  1. Great word for 2011, can't wait to hear what the new one is! Happy New Year, Dawn

  2. such a great post laurie...and what a "good" word for 2011. And yes...let's get together soon ;o)
