Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Many years ago...

April 4th, 1981... 

31 years ago today 

we married. 

Happy Anniversary to my 
partner in crime (aka... Whistle Stop)
my best friend, 
the one always seated next to me
on life's roller coater ride! 
Here's hoping we can handle the 
ride for the next 31 years! 


  1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I have a feeling that the next 31 years will be a breeze. Go have some fun, Dawn

  2. Of course you can handle the ride. Remember saying 'for better or for worse'? And just think of all the fun you'll have in the next 31 years! Happy Anniversary!

  3. Happy anniversary! If you have made it this far and can still call him your best friend you have it made! Hitting the same anniversary this summer and feel the same way.
