Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Where has the month gone?

Wow, the month of January is almost over! 
I have to admit I'm not much of a fan of 
the month of January. I think that the fall & holiday 
season is sooooo busy for me that when I finally get a
 chance to  "stop"... I really stop... can't find motivation 
to save my life! I look forward to February as it 
usually brings a few nice days here in the Midwest, 
the days become a little longer & spring is in sight! 
My "down time", " to do" list has 
few things crossed off... but,  that's o.k. 
Things will get done eventually. 

My computer has also been doing some weird things...
 lost all my pictures :( ... and my mailing list :(
... and unfortunately to back them up was on my 
"to do" list... and was not crossed off! I do have
 my old mailing list on my old beast of a computer but,
it does not have all my updates. Again... just 
trying to breathe and take it all in stride. 

I do have some news, good news,
 that I will share tomorrow when I can get some 
pictures uploaded. For now I'm hittin' the hay" 
as my dad used to say. I have a bit of the sniffles and
Vick's rub & rest are on my "to do" list tonight.


  1. Can't wait to hear what's up your sleeve. Feel better, Dawn

  2. Hope you feel better..

  3. Hi Laurie, backing up my computer is on my list to do but haven't yet, I keep saying "one of these days". Guess I should get that taken care of huh? Did you get to the Estate store over the 14th? I didn't find much this time. Can't wait to see what your good news is!! Hope you're feeling better today!
